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ARTICLE | January 09, 2019
The Victim-Offender Overlap: Examining the Relationship Between Victimization and Offending
The relationship between victimization and offending, also referred to as the victim-offender overlap, is widely documented. While crime victims do not always become offenders, most offenders have been victims. The victimization experience can produce negative physical, mental, and behavioral outcomes in individuals and some may go on to commit their...
ARTICLE | August 01, 2018
The Cost of Justice: The Impact of Criminal Justice Financial Obligations on Individuals and Families
Monetary penalties, such as court costs, fees, and fines, are common sanctions levied by the criminal justice system. While these sanctions are used to offset court operations' costs, the financial burden disproportionately impacts those from lower socioeconomic levels and minority communities. This article summarizes survey findings gleaned from a population...
financial obligation
ARTICLE | January 09, 2017
National and Illinois Youth Substance Use: Risk Factors, Prevalence, and Treatment
During stages of ongoing, yet incomplete, cognitive development, youth may be more inclined to take risks and experiment with drugs and alcohol and are often heavily influenced by their peers, leading to negative outcomes. Nationally and in Illinois, traditionally high drug use categories of marijuana and alcohol appear to be...
juvenile drug use
ARTICLE | September 06, 2016
Learning about Probation from Client Perspectives: Feedback from Probationers Served by Adult Redeploy Illinois-funded Program Models
Satisfaction with the criminal justice system often reflects the opinions of the public rather than that of the offender. When probation clients are able to provide feedback in a meaningful way, they are less marginalized and alienated from a process attempting to make changes in their behavior and attitudes. Authority...
probation Adult Redeploy
ARTICLE | July 25, 2016
24/7 Sobriety Program Summary
The 24/7 Sobriety Program uses a swift, certain, and moderate sanctioning approach to reduce alcohol and drug-involved driving among individuals who have been previously convicted of driving under the influence. First implemented in South Dakota in 2005, clients served through this program are tested at least twice per day...
ARTICLE | June 16, 2016
Fidelity to the Intensive Supervision Probation with Services Model: An Examination of Adult Redeploy Illinois Programs
Growing public support for prison reform has brought attention to community-based supervision alternatives, including intensive supervision probation for offenders who are at significant risk of being incarcerated. Researchers examined four intensive supervision probation with services programs supported by Adult Redeploy Illinois for fidelity to the evidence-based service model.
probation Adult Redeploy
ARTICLE | May 03, 2016
Transitional Housing for Victims of Intimate Partner Violence
Many victims of intimate partner violence find themselves at increased risk for homelessness as they make efforts to escape violence. The lack of stable, safe, and affordable housing is associated with negative outcomes for these victims. This article describes the relationship between housing instability and victim health and well-being, issues...
domestic violence homelessness InfoNet
ARTICLE | April 12, 2016
Addressing Child Exposure to Violence
Each year a notable number of children are exposed to violence in their homes and communities. This exposure can result in negative health and well-being consequences. Safe from the Start (SFS) programs were funded to provide treatment services and supportive referrals to children exposed to violence and their families....
child abuse
ARTICLE | February 14, 2017
An Examination of Juvenile Sex Offenders in the Illinois Juvenile Justice System
Juveniles adjudicated delinquent for a sex offense can result in lifelong consequences, including sex offender registration. Further, there can be repercussions financially, emotionally, and socially for a juvenile and his/her family that extend throughout the individual's life. Given the potential negative impact of sex offender registration, it is important to...
juvenile sex offense